We finished with a huge flourish!
Skaters showed up on the start line with their games faces on!
What a huge surprise to have my old friend Kathy Fry show up to
take aweseome photos, chat with all of us. Look below see the photos!
The finish was more like a horse race, having to go through a video pic by pic to see if Chris Rojo (Team Safe) or Marcelo Lopez (Skin-star USA) would be 2nd or 3rd the answer? They BOTH were second! While announcing the results of the finish, someone in the crowd suggested a one lap do over first and final but, both guys were beat, so, no on that! But it was, a unique suggestion!
The skaters were happy to be there, most knew each other, but there were a few new faces and some old ones whom had not skated in awhile, but where there to support me & the event.
This was an end of years of producing this race (by skaters for skaters and only skaters)
Glad we had a nice turnout and a good time!
Thank you to all who showed up and thank you to everybody for all the years of doing this event! On the next page are the race results for the final Parkinson's Open Road Race 2012 ________________
See you at the start line! racebrake.com